04 Jun 2022

A few fun American flag facts

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A few fun American Flag factsWe now refer to all American flags as Old Glory but did you know it was started with one specific flag? William Driver, a sea captain, nicknamed the flag on his ship “Old Glory” when he saw it flying on his ship’s mast in 1831. The name stuck till this day.In 1949, 17-year-old high school student, Robert G. Heft, of Lancaster, Ohio created an 50 star flag design for a class project.  Despite getting a B- he submitted the design in a contest in 1958. It was chosen out of over 1,500 submissions by President Dwight Eisenhower. The design has lasted for over 60 years.Do you remember the tv show Gilligan’s Island? During the opening sequence of the first season of Gilligan’s Island, the American flag is filmed at half-staff. This was done to honor President Kennedy, who was assassinated the day the pilot episode was filmed.There are 6 American flags on the moon but only 5 standing. The first flag placed there by Neil Armstrong during the first moon landing was dislodged by the wind generated by the space shuttle. If your envisioning the red white and blue against the baron landscape you might be a little disappointed to learn that the harsh conditions and UV radiation have bleached the flags white. A mention of flag burning may bring visions or protests but burning a flag is the correct and dignified way to retire a soiled and tattered flag. Often a crane operator will hoist a flag on the boom so he’ll know what direction the wind is blowing Why does the flag look backwards on an army uniform? The flag patch is placed with the stars facing forward to mimic a flag blowing in the wind as soldiers charge into battle. They also glow in the dark when viewed with night vision goggles to identify friendly forces.We have had 27 versions of the flag since 1777.   The current having 13 stripes for the American colonies and 50 stars.  Each new star was added to the flag on the July 4th following the entry into the Union of the new state.June 14th is flag day.  Ironically it isn’t a federal holiday and Pennsylvania is the only state that celebrates the day as a state holiday.The largest flag to date is called a super flag.  It weighs 3,000 pounds and requires at least 130 people to move it. Do you remember the tv show Gilligan’s Island? During the opening sequence of the first season of Gilligan’s Island, the American flag is filmed at half-staff. This was done to honor President Kennedy, who was assassinated the day the pilot episode was filmed.The flag may be displayed 24 hours a day if properly illuminated during the hours of darkness.    Rain Silverhawk
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