Turn up the thermostat and break through the ceiling.
So often we find ourselves reaching the level of success we did before but not really surpassing it. Its like we hit our head on that proverbial glass ceiling.
motivational speaker Ed Mylett once said “there’s a governor on our lives, and it’s our identity — what we think we’re worth; what we think we deserve. “So if a good person will not take more from the table of life than what he thinks he’s worth what do we do to achieve our goals? Think about it like a thermostat. Say you’re a 75-degree person. What happens if things start heating up in life? You start experiencing more success, your life gets going and your on the path to greatness and then suddenly you find a way to cool things back down. You unconsciously get back to the temperature where your comfortable.What happens things take a turn for the worse; when you’re broke, when you’re struggling. You will kick it into high gear and find a way to heat them back up to the point you think you deserve. Human nature always helps you find that 75-degree comfort zone.What if you altered that govenor and started to believe that you’re worth 85 degrees, 90 degrees or 95 degrees of life. And there are TWO ways that you can do that.1. Surround yourself with people who operate at a higher level than you. For example, if you’re a 70-degree athlete, and you start training with other athletes who operate at an 85-degree level, you’re going to level up. 2. Put yourself in circumstances that demand you to get outside your comfort zone. Make yourself do something that an 85-degree person would do, and you knock it out of the park. When you do that over and over, you begin to believe in that new level of identity.You only live once, so take off the govenor, turn up the therostat and go make life great.Rain Silverhawk

Come See Listings or more about Rain Silverhawk at
rain@lakeandhomes.comRain Silverhawk RealtorSandpoint Realty LLC1205 Hwy 2 STE 203 B | Sandpoint, ID. 83864 Phone (208) 610-0011